14 On-Screen Parents and Kids Who Look So Alike, We Cant Believe Theyre Not Actually Related

Ifyoure afan ofTV shows, youve probably noticed that sometimes the characters who play relatives on-screen look soalike, weinstantly forget theyre not related inreal life. Its almost asifthe casting directors ofthose shows are real magicians. Well, atleast they know how todotheir job well and getus completely lost inthe plot ofthe show.

If you’re a fan of TV shows, you’ve probably noticed that sometimes the characters who play relatives on-screen look so alike, we instantly forget they’re not related in real life. It’s almost as if the casting directors of those shows are real magicians. Well, at least they know how to do their job well and get us completely lost in the plot of the show.

Here at Bright Side, we tried to recall TV shows where daughters and mothers and sons and fathers looked so alike, they could easily be relatives in real life. So here’s a gallery of look-alikes that we’ve come up with. Do you support our choices?

