15 Historical Figures Who Were Magnificently Portrayed On-Screen

Playing ahistorical figure isagreat responsibility for every actor. And agreat challenge aswell. Especially ifthe actor has noopportunity tomeet alegendary person inthe flesh and has tofully rely onthe directors vision. Though, many actors still nail this mission inthe best way possible.

Playing a historical figure is a great responsibility for every actor. And a great challenge as well. Especially if the actor has no opportunity to meet a legendary person in the flesh and has to fully rely on the director’s vision. Though, many actors still nail this mission in the best way possible.

We at Bright Side have found some actors who let us dive into different characters, and even epochs, mesmerizing us with every second of their time on-screen.

What other historical figures would you like to see portrayed on-screen? What actors, in your opinion, could play them best?

