The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has declared that Nano-Silver, the drug the Ministry of Heath in Nigeria is planning to use for Ebola infected patients in the country is a pesticide.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), a chief U.S. regulatory body, has made known its worries known over the safety of nano-silver, the name given to the experimental drug Nigeria's ministry of health announced it would be using to treat eight Ebola patients in Lagos.
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has however classified nano-silver as a known anti-bacterial used to fight mold and other bacteria, hence, calling it a pesticide.
According to Sahara Reporters, a spokeswoman for the Erica Jefferson, claimed they could not find or verify any information on the treatment, though they did not explicitly call it by name.
Although the Nigerian government claims the treatment was given by a Nigerian scientist in the diaspora, but did not give the doctor's name, the US FDA has however revealed that the makers of the drugs are not recognized which means the drug has not been tested.
It would be recalled that just yesterday, the colleagues and relatives of the Lagos Ebola infected persons lamented that the Federal Government is not taking adequate care of the patients as it is being proclaimed in the media.