Almost 30 years after the premiere of Hocus Pocus, Disney is releasing its sequel on September 30, 2022. The kids’ Halloween movie is making a comeback with Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy reprising their roles as the Sanderson sisters. So it’s only right to remember the ones who made the first movie so iconic, and see what they look like these days.
Bright Side put together side-by-side photos of the cast then and now. Prepare to reminisce on the film’s fun events, and make sure to stay until the end for a sneak peek of Hocus Pocus 2!
Bette Midler as Winifred Sanderson
Sarah Jessica Parker as Sarah Sanderson
Kathy Najimy as Mary Sanderson
Omri Katz as Max
Thora Birch as Dani
Vinessa Shaw as Allison
Sean Murray as Thackery
Stephanie Faracy as Max and Dani’s mother, Jenny
Larry Bagby as Ernie “Ice”
Tobias Jelinek as Jay
Bonus: A sneak peek at Hocus Pocus 2
What’s your favorite Disney movie? Do you enjoy Halloween-themed films?