What Happened on October 23, 1987

About October 23, 1987 Day of the Week: FridayHow Long Ago? 36 years, 10 months and 3 daysLeap Year: No Get Our Daily Email 2000-2024 On This Day Pte. Ltd.

Historical Events

  • Dutch government gives Fokker's Aircraft Ÿ212 million credit
  • France performs nuclear test at Mururoa Atoll
  • US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
  • US Senate rejects Robert Bork's nomination to the Supreme Court by a bipartisan vote of 58-42

Famous Birthdays

  • Carmella [Leah Van Dale], American pro wrestler (WWE SmackDown Women's C'ship 2017; WWE Women's Tag Team C'ship [Queen Zelina] 2021), born in Spencer, Massachusetts
  • Faye [Hamlin], Swedish pop singer ("Play"), born in Stockholm
  • Seo In-Guk, South Korean singer-songwriter and actor (The Master's Sun), born in Ulsan, South Korea

About October 23, 1987

Day of the Week: Friday
How Long Ago? 36 years, 10 months and 3 days
Leap Year: No

Music Charts

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