'Raw Water' Is The Latest Health Craze People Are Freaking out About
Updated Oct. 23 2018, 12:02 p.m. ET Water's the most abundant resource on the planet and it's also the key to creating pretty much anything. There are some businessmen out there who want to privatize water, an essential component to merely live.
"Raw Water" Is The Latest Health Craze People Are Freaking out About
Water's the most abundant resource on the planet and it's also the key to creating pretty much anything.
There are some businessmen out there who want to privatize water, an essential component to merely live.
I'm mentioning all of this stuff to highlight just how seriously people take water, and we totally should because without it, we'd all be effectively dead. But some people take their obsession with water to wild lengths, and come up with products to capitalize on health food trends that in my opinion shouldn't exist, like black mineral water.
Yes it's kind of cool to drink water that isn't transparent, but then again, is it? Especially when it comes out to $2.63 per 16.9 oz bottle, and that's when you buy it bulk, on Amazon?
That's only the tip of the water product iceberg, as it turns out. Now there are people who are paying top dollar for untreated, unfiltered water.
"Raw Water" is the newest beverage craze that has individuals fearful of "what they're putting in our water" spending up to $60 for less than three gallons of the stuff.
It's become a popular trend among some Silicon Valley employees and residents, who claim that the natural ingredients in the water that are normally filtered out during the treatment process contain positive health benefits that we're missing out on.
Science, unfortunately, strongly disputes that. In fact, untreated water, especially in the Bay Area, can be harshly contaminated and the only thing keeping you from taking a ride in an ambulance after drinking it is the very water treatment process so many Raw Water enthusiasts oppose.
Bottles of 'Raw Water' could potentially run the gamut of health issues. You could, technically, contract parasites, E. Coli, and various other viruses water treatment generally protects us from.
I mean, how many red flags could a health movement have?
Interestingly, Live Water is a huge success. Sold in glass orbs for $37 per two gallons, and $15 per refill, the stuff is constantly sold out at a local grocery in San Francisco.
Once word broke out of Nellie Bowles' story on Singh and Raw Water proponents, the cost of the stuff shot up in price.
If you're wondering how the stuff tastes, Bowles says it's actually pretty darn good.
Which got other people thinking of some water schemes of their own.
Others think that it's this kind of food dubiousness consumerism that might ultimately bring right and left-wing citizens together.
No matter how good bright and crisp and light Raw Water might taste, there are some downsides to ultimately consider.